Maryland Bat Facts

Maryland brown bat

Maryland is home to 10 bat species with the most common ones being the Little Brown bat and the big brown bat. These two types of bat species are the most common bats that are likely to be seen with all areas of Maryland including Annapolis. They are among Maryland's cave bats which is why they are the type of bats most often seen in attics and buildings. It is common to see these types of bats roosting in church belfries, under siding, beneath shutters, shingles and in attics.

Bats are one of Maryland's most environmentally beneficial mammals. They primarily feed on insects and can ingest up to 1,000 mosquitoes or pests an hour. This is what makes them an essential part of the environment. Some of the more common pest they feed on include moths, wasps, beetles, gnats, mosquitoes, and midges.

It is a common throughout for people to think that all bats have rabies and are rabid and will attack you, but the fact is rabid bats are seldom aggressive and attack people. According to the CDC there are only 3-4 cases of rabies in humans per year, although most are associated with bats.

Another misconception about bats are that they are blind, although they cannot see in color they are not blind. Bats actually have better night vision than people. They do forage for food using echolocation. This process allows them to emit sounds into the environment then use these echoes to locate and identify objects. They are also the only mammal that can fly. The following are the types of bats that can be found throughout Maryland.

Types of Maryland Bats

  • Tricolored Bat
  • Red Bat
  • Hoary Bat
  • Evening
  • Silver-haired Bat